exhibitions/films/performances, etc
Toody video, SD, 11:59 (2020)
(for ‘You There, Are You There?’ programmed by Rosie Roberts for MAP magazine at GFF)
A short film based on the band I was playing in at the time, as we tried to learn Toody Cole’s song “Rather be Your Lover.” It traces similarities between Toody’s song and Madonna’s of the same name, and speculates a lineage back to Prince’s “Wanna Be Your Lover.” It looks at other acts of covering including the recreation of a mis-remembered Oasis video and a painting of the films’ players as mythical nymphs. The film features a poetic voiceover gleaned from research into the songs, and observations from the process of making the film. The film features Vital Idles on Toody; Moema Meade fka Madonna Kebab (with stage costume courtesy of Katie Shannon); Joan Sweeney on violin; Elizabeth Murphy, Adrien Hester & Rosie the dog; Benjamin Kritikos on vocals; and a painting by Isobel Neviazsky.